Palić Local Government
srpski | magyar | English 26 December, 2024 - Thursday


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Christmas in the local government

17-18 December 2011

Family day in the LG

17th September 2011 - Photo: dr. Lívia Oroszi

Health day in the LG

15th September 2011 - Photo: dr. Lívia Oroszi

Presentation of the journal "Bácsország"

26th May 2011 - LG office, photos by Imre Hompót

Exhibition titled "Gardens in Palić"

23rd May 2011 - Library in Palić, photos by Imre Hompót

Celebratory meeting of the LG General Assembly

25th May 2011 - Miroslav Antić Elementary School, photos by Imre Hompót

Planting trees in Palić

31st March 2011 - Photo: András Ricz

Cleaning our environment

9th April 2011, Saturday - Photo: Imre Hompót, András Ricz

12th International Summit of Oldtimers in Palić

4th July 2010 - Photo: Imre Hompót

Photo exhibition of Photo Club Pannonia

Photos: Imre Hompót

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- Project of the Europe for Citizens program

- Tendering procedure

- Our sponsor was: Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Communities

- Streets of Palić

- Send us your comments in our GUESTBOOK

- The image of Palić from the sky

- Twintowns' meeting in Érsekhalma
